At St. James, we strive to deepen parishioners’ spiritual experiences through creating a beautiful and devout liturgical environment to experience the joys of the liturgy. Our liturgical ministries make this possible both at the altar and behind the scenes.
Altar Servers are children who reverently serve at the Altar of Our Lord by aiding and assisting the priests, deacons, and congregation at Holy Mass. Children age 9+ who have celebrated the Eucharist are welcome to serve.
Church Art & Environment prepares the church for the celebration of each liturgical season by decorating the church according to Church guidelines.
Church Cleaning & Maintenance is one of our most important ministries at this time, keeping our parishioners, staff, and visitors safe from the spread of COVID-19 and keeping St. James pristine and well-kept for each celebration of Mass. This is a great behind-the-scenes opportunity to serve in one of the most important ministries at this time.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist administer the Blessed Sacrament, the Body and Blood of Christ, at Mass. Any Catholic in good standing may participate after training.
Lectors & Commentators proclaim the word of God through readings of the Gospels and make pre-service announcements at Mass. Any Catholic in good standing may participate.
Liturgy & Worship Committee echoes the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy in earnestly desiring “that all the faithful be led to that full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations called for by the very nature of the liturgy.” Open to anyone interested in helping make our parish liturgical services more meaningful.
Music Ministry enriches, inspires, motivates, and engages the assembly in hymns and sacred songs in the celebration of liturgies. Vocalists and instrumentalists are welcome.
Rosary Leaders recite the Rosary 30 minutes prior to each Mass. Open to all parishioners.
Sacristans are responsible for the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations, including all that is needed for special days such as Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday. The sacristan lays out anything needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, oils, the lectionary, and any items used for baptism. Upon conclusion of the liturgical celebration, the sacristan cleanses the sacred vessels. Open to Catholics in good standing who are over the age of 18.
Ushers welcome and direct everyone entering or exiting the church and assist with seating, special assistance, and courtesies during Mass. Ushers keep a watchful eye for any security or health emergency concerns during Mass.
If you are interested in serving in any Worship & Liturgy ministry, please contact the parish office at (830) 379-1796.
Being Catholic calls for a lifetime journey through trials and triumphs of faith — this is why we frequently say our conversion is lifelong! St. James Catholic Church supports all Catholics in the community through every stage of faith formation through a variety of faith-building and educational opportunities.
If you are seeking more information about our Faith Formation programs, please visit the Faith Formation page here.
Adult Scripture Study is offered on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Our Coffee House ministry is an adult formation, faith-building fellowship that occurs between Sunday Masses. A light breakfast and coffee are served alongside presentations by guest speakers on a variety of topics to help build our parishioners’ knowledge and faith. Be on the lookout for the next Coffee House!
Family Faith Formation offers continuing faith formation through family-centered religious education, service, liturgy, and community building. Family Faith Formation centers on family gatherings with breakfast followed by adult lessons, prayer, and parent-led, age-appropriate groups for children.
Religious Education offers grade-level appropriate theology, preparation for Reconciliation and Eucharist, learning prayers, and learning how to be part of the parish family. RE is open to children from PreK – 5th grade.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults welcomes adults inquiring about the Catholic tradition, provides preparation and support for those seeking any of the initiation sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist), prepares already-baptized Christians wishing to embrace the Catholic faith for reception into the Church, and prepares uncatechized adult Catholics for Confirmation.
If you are interested in serving in any Faith Formation ministry, please contact our Pastoral Associate of Evangelization & Catechesis, Joey Gutierrez, at (830) 379-1796 or [email protected]
St. James takes great pride in our excellent youth programs! There are many opportunities through these programs for our youth to learn and practice their Catholic faith in an age-appropriate setting with wonderful leaders, catechists, and mentors.
Blue Knights and Little Flowers are Catholic clubs for girls and boys ages 5+ that teach virtues through scripture, saints’ biographies, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Through discussion and practice of virtues, faith activities, lessons about Saints, crafts, and games, members earn badges or medals each month. Parents participate in and help to lead monthly meetings, facilitating spiritual growth for the whole family.
Cub Scouts prepares young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law and keeping God in all of our adventures.
Life Teen is for youth in 9th – 12th grades and Edge is our middle school group. Both of our youth groups are for teens wanting a welcoming community and desiring the challenge to live in the Gospel and grow into faithful young adults. Our youth groups warmly welcome any teen looking for a place to call their own. Visit the St. James Youth Ministry website for more information.
Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas is the Catholic Daughters of the Americas’ youth group for girls ages 6 – 18 that offers fellowship and opportunities for them to serve their parish and community.
Worship is an everyday necessity for a deep, fulfilling spiritual life. Besides the Eucharist. St. James celebrates a variety of ministries to help parishioners develop their spiritual lives outside of Mass.
Cenacle of Prayer provides opportunities to gather together as a force of prayer to support and strengthen the Holy Father, our priests, the faithful of the Church, and all souls of the world in an effort to increase faithfulness, devotion, and a sense of unity through the recitation of the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Readings and meditations are also offered on the message from the book To the Priests: Our Lady’s Beloved Sons.
Perpetual Adoration is offered all day, every day to anyone desiring a quiet, peaceful atmosphere in which to adore Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. The Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Code required to enter the chapel, which is located on the south side of the parish office — please contact the office for the code.
Prayer Chain ministry is dedicated to praying with petition and thanksgiving, collectively and individually, for the intentions of our parish community.
Spiritual Direction ministers help individuals discern how the Holy Spirit is personally leading them. It is our hope that through spiritual direction one can recognize that God has a unique and distinct plan for each person’s life. it is the intent of this ministry to help Christians hear God’s calling and ultimately fulfill Christ’s greatest commandment: to love others as he loved us (John 13:34).
Fellowship is crucial to Christian life, and there are plenty of opportunities to celebrate fellowship at St. James that serve one another and the community.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas is the nation’s largest women’s Catholic organization that embraces the principle of faith working in love for the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights through supporting parish activities.
Christian Women’s Singles Group offers single Christian women an environment where they can gather for friendship and spiritual connection to others. Open to all single Christian women.
Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization dedicated to promoting and conducting educational, charitable, religious, and social welfare works, rendering mutual aid and assistance to sick and needy members and their families, and providing insurance products and annuities to benefit members, their wives, and children. Open to Catholic men over the age of 18 who are in good standing with the Church and community. Learn more and view upcoming events on their website.
Small Church Communities are small groups of parishioners between both St. James and Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church that focus on ongoing faith formation — usually after a retreat — through Bible study, prayer, support, and fellowship.
St. Ann’s Circle is a women’s ministry that welcomes all women to care for the church and support St. James Catholic School, St. James Catholic Church parish, and community activities in a spirit of love and giving. Open to any Catholic woman who wants to socialize and be involved.
Outreach ministries are essential to St. James Church and the mission of the Catholic Church at large. These ministries offer ways to serve and fulfill the Gospel message for our parishioners to be true disciples of Jesus Christ.
Bereavement Committee provides reception for deceased parishioners, to offer them solace in their time of grief, and to give family and friends the opportunity to celebrate the life of the deceased
Blood Drives are held four times per year at our parish for convenient red blood cell donations to help provide our community with life-giving blood.
Criminal Justice Ministry ministers to the incarcerated, mentors parolees, and aids those with drug addiction. Assistance is offered to family members. Catholic teaching through Bible study, Catechism, and correspondence programs is offered to those in need.
Food Pantry is a collective effort of the parish to help feed the hungry in the community at large. Drop by the church with your donations whenever possible.
Guadalupe Valley Habitat for Humanity puts God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities, and hope.
Hospitality Committee fosters unity and friendship among our parish family and welcomes new parishioners in a spirit of love with special celebrations throughout the year.
Veterans Ministry is a communal effort between St. James and Our Lady of Guadalupe Church to minister to the veterans of the community. They strive to help heal our community’s veterans and let them know that they are not alone in their journeys of post-service life. We offer the motivation, strength, talents, and experience gained as military veterans to support other veterans and to serve our Lord in whatever manner we are called in our parish and community.
These organizations are generally made up of parishioners who are appointed or elected by the pastors and/or parish at large. They create the backbone of the church to ensure St. James lives on well into the future and keeps growing.
Festival Committee develops plans and projects for the annual St. James Family Fall Festival for the success of fundraising efforts and enjoyment of the parish.
Finance Committee members are selected by the pastor who prepare and oversee the administration of parish financial resources to support the promotion of the spiritual health, welfare, and benefit of the St. James community.
Money Counters are a trusted group of volunteers chosen by the pastor to count the parish collections each week after Mass.
Pastoral Council promotes, strengthens, and benefits the spiritual health, welfare, and social concerns of the St. James parish community by recommending and implementing spiritual activities and social functions. Potential council members are nominated by current Pastoral Council members and are selected by the pastor.
Property Management Committee is made up of parish volunteers who assist the pastor with church property management. They examine existing property conditions, develop short-term and long-term property plans, and advise on maintenance and development of the church campus.
St. James School provides a Catholic education for students from Prekindergarten – 8th grade. The vision of St. James Catholic School since 1850 has been to nourish the spiritual, intellectual, social, cultural, and physical needs of students within a strong, Catholic, family-oriented environment. Our goal is to produce compassionate life-long learners, faithful stewards, and influential leaders for a diverse and changing world.
Visit the school’s website at for more information.
St. James Catholic School Council promotes a Catholic school system with an excellent academic program founded on Christian virtues and directing students towards a conscious choice of living a responsible Catholic life.
Volunteers are always welcome at the school. They assist with classroom activities such as crafts and reading, as well as help with outside landscaping and maintenance of the school.